::------------------------------------- :: @date 2023-05-19 :: @name find all .git and pull ::------------------------------------- @echo off setlocal @REM normalize the relative path to a shorter absolute path. pushd "%~dp0" set repos_path=%CD% popd call :find_and_pull %repos_path% echo. & echo Finished. & pause>nul goto :EOF ::------------------------------------- :: @name find_and_pull :: @param %1 base directory to find .git :: @usage call :find_and_pull %base_dir% ::------------------------------------- :find_and_pull for /d %%i in (%1\*) do ( cd %%i if exist .git ( echo. & echo [ START git pull FROM ] %%i git pull ) else ( call :find_and_pull %%i ) ) goto :EOF
将以下代码拷贝到,可以修改指定目录,然后执行sh gitpull.sh即可。
# Title: git pull current file # Desc: find all .git and pull # Date: 2023-5-19 echo "service start ..." for ml in $(ls /home/service/server_code/) do for service in $(ls /home/service/server_code/$ml/) do echo $service service_ml=/home/service/server_code/$ml/$service/ if [ -d $service_ml ]; then cd /home/service/server_code/$ml/$service/ git pull fi done done echo " all service restart done."
转载请注明:永盟博客 » 批量拉取多个git项目文件(Windows&Linux)